Friday, July 20, 2007

Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner) - Zacharias Kunuk (2001)

A fascinating film written, directed and acted by Inuits in the Canadian Arctic. As much documentary as fiction, the movie tells the tale of the struggle between Atanarjuat and Oki over Atuat, Oki's promised bride. Set in ancient times, the most modern technology on display are metal knife blades.

The details of food, shelter, clothing, relationships, travel and survival are spread across the narrative like a rich frosting. The gory food preparation scenes prompted my friend to say, "This movie should be rated R for food."

Shot on video, the sharp and contrasty quality of the image works well to emphasize the sparkly landscape of snow, ice and low sunlight on the ocean.

Unlike most fables or cautionary tales, no one person is punished as the "bad guy", even Oki and his gang who have killed Atanarjuat's brother. Instead, an evil spirit is exorcised and the strength/needs of the family and tribal group are brought again to the fore. This is undoubtedly an important lesson where working together is essential to survive the harsh environment.

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